ProtoFluor Z is a hematofluorometer dedicated to the
measurement of zinc protoporphyrin in whole blood.
Elevated zinc protoporphyrin (ZPP) levels are
useful as an early indicator of iron deficiency. The
ProtoFluor Z instrument is easy to use. The operator
simply inserts the sample holder containing the
sample into the instrument, then presses the measure
button. The ZPP value is displayed on the LED and
can be reported in ?mol ZPP/mol Heme (ratio
of ZPP to heme), in ?g/dL whole blood at a 35%
hematocrit for adults, or ?g/dL whole blood at a
42% hematocrit for children. The ProtoFluor method
is inexpensive, requires only one drop of whole
blood, and takes only seconds to perform, making it
an ideal screening test.
The ProtoFluor Reagent is designed to stabilize
hemoglobin so that it has the same spectral
characteristics as fully oxygenated hemoglobin.
ProtoFluor Calibrators are stable solutions of zinc
protoporphyrin and heme used in calibration.
Calibration requires only a few seconds and
adjustments in calibrations are accomplished by
simultaneously pressing two control buttons on
the front panel of the instrument. Coverslips are
specifically manufactured and processed from
low fluorescing glass.