Fast microbiological diagnostic method for
implant-associated infections
The successful treatment of implant infections depends
on an accurate microbiological diagnosis. Microorganisms
form bio? lms on implant surfaces, what makes
them dif? cult to detect by conventional methods.
BactoSonic® gently removes bio? lms from
implant surfaces.
Principle of BactoSonic®
The implants are placed in the air-tight implant boxes
and sonicated in the specially designed ultrasonic device
BactoSonic®. Compared to other ultrasonic baths,
BactoSonic® works with a very low ultrasound intensity.
The bio? lm is removed without killing the bacteria, a
quantitative assessment is possible.
The sonicated liquid is cultured and the quantity of bacteria can
be determined. Compared to standard methods (e. g. biopsies
from periprosthetic tissue) up to 10,000 times more bacteria can
be detected. Mixed infections and different bacteria morphotypes
can better be identi? ed. The sensitivity especially of patients with
previous antibiotic therapy is improved.